10 Methods From The Lean Startup

10 Methods From The Lean Startup

The Lean Startup methodology, outlined by Eric Ries in his book of the same name, emphasizes constant innovation and the use of the scientific method to handle uncertainty. This means building small products or features to test hypotheses, learning from the results, and adjusting accordingly. The methodology can be applied not just to new products, but to customer service ideas, management processes, and more. The Minimal Viable Product, or MVP, encourages building only what is necessary to iterate through the Build-Measure-Learn loop with a minimum amount of effort. Validated Learning is key to ensuring you are testing hypotheses for the right learning outcomes, while Innovation Accounting helps startups grow sustainably by establishing baselines, tuning the engine, and pivoting or persevering as needed. By working in small batches, you can spot errors and identify quality problems more easily. Techniques like the Andon Cord and Kanban help ensure a high level of production quality with a focus on validated learning from customers. Finally, using the Five Whys technique can help organizations identify and address the root causes of technical problems arising from a lack of training.