Using Kanban to Improve Audit Management

Using Kanban to Improve Audit Management

Yuval Yeret, a Kanban practitioner from Agile Sparks, shares insights into how Kanban can be applied to the unique challenges faced in audit management within organizations. Audits are essential in risk management and are often considered a powerful tool. However, the work in an audit group can be bottlenecked by the funnel shape of the work, waiting for non-available resources, and changes in priorities. Yeret explains how using the Kanban method can help in achieving the characteristics of a great audit group such as good flow of work, minimum amount of waste, and dealing with changes without losing a stride, by visualizing the flow of work and enforcing flow control using work in progress limits. Furthermore, by making current policies explicit and experimenting in small steps, the Kanban Method can lead to improved collaboration and a better understanding of complex environments within organizations.