Oh No! We Have A Rebel In Our Team

Oh No! We Have A Rebel In Our Team

Rebels are non-conformist people who are willing to speak up, challenge the status quo, and work on solutions to problems with a fresh mindset. They have the ability to turn problems into opportunities, connect different ideas and people, and they care about work more than anyone else. Spotting rebels in a team is easy: they're curious, creative, and have a lot of courage. As leaders, it's important to create a safe space for rebels to disagree and challenge the status quo, start looking at them as people who can improve the company, and create an environment where they can run experiments. Empowering rebels takes much empathy from both parties: leaders need to be flexible on their goals and find compromises to eventually realize the change anyone in the company is waiting for, while rebels need to understand and respect that leadership can't move too far away from the specific goals they need to achieve. Simone van Neerven suggested creating a supportive environment for rebels to unleash their talent.