Online brainstorming sessions: The beginner’s guide

Online brainstorming sessions: The beginner’s guide

Online brainstorming sessions can be an effective way for teams to generate new ideas, explore possibilities, and collaborate in real-time, even when team members are geographically dispersed. This blog post provides a beginner's guide to organizing an online brainstorming session. The post explores the advantages of online brainstorming versus in-person brainstorming, including the ability to hold sessions in a time and place-independent manner, the ability to accommodate an unlimited number of participants, and the potential for anonymous participation. The post also provides a step-by-step guide to organizing an online brainstorm, including defining the problem or theme, selecting the brainstorming technique, selecting the participants, setting up the playing field, and managing the brainstorming session. Finally, the post outlines best practices for next steps after brainstorming, such as selecting the best ideas and creating an innovation roadmap.