Sitting on Untapped Potential – The Power of Your Organisation’s Collective Intelligence

Sitting on Untapped Potential – The Power of Your Organisation’s Collective Intelligence

Sir Francis Galton discovered that the accuracy of groups is far greater than of individuals. The wisdom of crowds was later named, and it shows that each organization has the answers to many of its current challenges. Instead of using substitute brains, managers should harness this collective intelligence to solve business problems. Internal crowds are a valuable source of insight and ideas. Companies can now easily collect opinion and input from their employees using software platforms. Brazilian company Fleury increased their ideas submitted, approved, and implemented by adopting an innovation management solution. Managers must focus on creating an environment and culture in which everyone is incentivized to contribute and to enable everyone with tools, processes, and technologies so they can contribute effectively. Harnessing the collective intelligence of an organisation's employees is necessary to make a business differentiate and grow.