Six Ways Innovation Software Can Help You Thrive During Remote Work

Six Ways Innovation Software Can Help You Thrive During Remote Work

Remote work has become the norm for many businesses due to the current crisis. However, with innovation software tools, collaboration can still be fostered despite the distance. These tools allow for the collection and evaluation of ideas, whether they come from employees, customers, or industry collaborators, and provide a platform for personal and team responsibility. Through interactive tools, such as virtual ideation sessions, hackathons, or lean coffees, the innovation process can still advance. Additionally, incentivizing participation through gamification can further encourage engagement. Furthermore, progress and value can be effectively communicated to upper management through interactive dashboards and scorecards that can be accessed remotely via mobile devices or the corporate innovation hub. Lastly, choosing the right software with full security and access rights can ensure that data is stored safely within the Office 365 or Azure environment.