Sprinkling innovation responsibility like pixie dust

Sprinkling innovation responsibility like pixie dust

Innovation can be challenging for corporations when there is uncertainty about who is accountable for it. While lack of tools, inadequate funding, low expectations, and risk barriers can all impede innovation, they can be overcome if an executive prioritizes it. The problem is that who is ultimately responsible for innovation is often undefined. Even if everyone can innovate, the majority of people in corporations don’t, as they aren’t accountable or incentivized to do so. Some companies have a chief innovation officer, but that person is often too removed from day-to-day operations. The responsibility should instead rest with the line of business or product executives, as they are the most connected with the customer, market, and opportunity. These leaders need to be held accountable for innovation by executive management and supplied with the appropriate tools, resources, and funding. A center of excellence can support and sustain innovation by developing common tools and methods, training, and providing a structure for innovation.