Unfreeze the Middle - Extend Your Influence and Create Culture Beyond Your Direct Influence

Unfreeze the Middle - Extend Your Influence and Create Culture Beyond Your Direct Influence

To support innovators, catalysts – supporters or networks of supporters – who do not have direct innovation responsibility but who can help shepherd innovation programs' execution are key. Gretchen Goffe, CEO and Founder at DTLiveLAB, has seven keys to cultivating catalytic impact in your organization with the goal of melting the frozen middle that impedes the journey of innovation ideas. The seven keys include establishing everyone’s value, having fun and experiencing empathy, learning with live projects, talking with people, having no experts and solving ‘someone else’s problem,’ having frameworks to imagine and make taking action easier, and ultimately being human and sponsoring engagement. Catalysts have a solid understanding of innovation language, can support in removing roadblocks, and should be surrounded by innovators to amplify their impact beyond their direct influence.