Use-It-or-Lose-It Budgets: A Guide to Maximizing UIOLI

Use-It-or-Lose-It Budgets: A Guide to Maximizing UIOLI

A UIOLI budget system encourages anyone with budget responsibility to launch projects that would cost money in the coming year with this year's budget. This article explains how to make the most out of such a budget opportunity. To make a UIOLI opportunity productive, one must evaluate the upcoming year's demands and compare potential initiatives for funding with the organization's upcoming plan. Additionally, one must consider the best way to maximize partner impact with UIOLI funding. This article suggests that UIOLI funding should be spread among a few partners to secure significant early focus and exploration. Brainzooming is flexible and can help with next year's initiatives to address and update strategy plans, develop leaders, and unlock productivity from internal and external audiences.