Who are my best innovators?

Who are my best innovators?

Innovation is a major factor in business success, but finding the best innovators in an organization can be difficult. Although there are no universal attributes of innovation, certain methods have proved useful in identifying them. There are five attributes identified by Gregersen, Dyer, and Christensen in their book, The Innovator's DNA - associating, observing, experimenting, open questioning, and networking. Assessments such as Foursight, Kirton Adaption-Innovation Index, and Creatrix, can be used to balance the skills of innovation teams. However, these methods don't necessarily identify the best innovators in an organization. A survey to identify key attributes, characteristics, and attitudes is a useful tool as well. The Innovator's survey is composed of approximately 30 questions and will help an organization quickly assess its internal team and find the best innovators.