Why is this company giving $1,000 to anyone with an idea?

Why is this company giving $1,000 to anyone with an idea?

Adobe is known for its creativity software products like Photoshop and Illustrator. It is also known for its commitment to innovation, and that's why it launched its Kickbox program. The program's premise is simple - any employee with an idea can request a Kickbox, and they will receive a red box with instructions on how to approach developing and refining their idea. The box also includes a pre-paid credit card with $1,000, which that person can spend any way they want on their idea. There is no need for expense reports or receipts, and they have a set amount of time to report back on their progress. The idea behind this program is to encourage experimentation and iteration, even if the idea fails. Through this program, Adobe was able to test out 1,000 ideas faster and cheaper than it would have for a large-scale innovation effort. The company trusts its employees to spend the money wisely, and in turn, fosters deep engagement and commitment to innovation. The program provides invaluable insight into what their customers actually care about, and it shapes the direction of future innovations.