Agile Model

Agile Model is a method of managing software development projects that emphasizes rapid releases and incremental progress.

The Agile Model is an iterative development methodology that focuses on rapid delivery of working software. It encourages collaboration between customers and developers, allowing for changes in customer requirements during the project timeline. Teams work in short cycles called “sprints” which allow for frequent testing and feedback on the product's progress. This type of model allows for greater flexibility and efficiency in meeting customer demands.

At its core, Agile Model emphasizes communication and collaboration among team members through continuous planning, review, analysis and iteration of the product cycle. Each sprint involves breaking down tasks into smaller modules that can be completed more quickly than traditional methods while still ensuring quality control throughout the process.  The Agile Model also promotes transparency across all phases of the project lifecycle by providing stakeholders with clear visibility into progress as well as opportunities to provide feedback at every stage of development.

Agile values customer satisfaction over following strict processes, puts collaboration between teams at the center of product development, and emphasizes the importance of flexibility in responding to changing needs during product design.

Within an Agile environment, teams break down big tasks into smaller pieces that can be completed more quickly. Each piece is then tested frequently to make sure it works properly before being added to the final product.

Related Keywords: Iterative Development, Sprints, Scrum Methodology, Collaboration, Transparency