Creative concepts, products or practices that have not been adopted before and that are intended to be useful.
Innovation Roles are key positions in an organization dedicated to driving and managing the innovation process.
Have you heard of this concept called “Trial and Error”? It involves researching, testing, and then retrying something until you find the solution you are looking for.
An initiative is a strategic action to drive change and achieve business goals.
Focusing on positive implications of solving a problem can aid in finding sustainable solutions, while a problem-oriented mindset triggers stress and tunnel vision, leading to ineffective solutions.
Learn about crowdsourcing and how it has become a vital part of generating ideas, problem-solving and product development.
Learn about the benefits of Orange's crowdsourcing platform, Imagine, in capturing fresh ideas and building a community of passionate users for innovation.
Learn how to create cool and creative names for new products using these eight creative thinking questions.
Use this as a collaboration hub for your innovations, where the right people and the right information come together and communicate.