As long as my failing project keeps going, I won't be a failure

As long as my failing project keeps going, I won't be a failure

Annie Duke, author of "Quit: The Power of Knowing When to Walk Away," spoke on the Innovation Show podcast about why people find it so hard to stop failing projects. In the world of innovation projects, project teams and owners often struggle to end a project that isn't working, even when insights show it should be killed. This is because as long as the project is still going, there is a sense that it hasn't officially failed yet. However, it is important to recognize that sinking additional money into a bad project often just results in additional money, time, and energy being wasted. To reduce the fear of being branded a failure, it is suggested to treat failure like scientists do with experiments - learn from it and try something different the next time. It is also important to validate whether a project is on the right track or failing using project management methods, such as the L.I.V.E. innovation system.