How do innovations build smart cities?

How do innovations build smart cities?

Looking beyond the annoying inconveniences of city life, it isn't hard to see how inefficient and outdated some urban solutions can be. The answer? Make cities smarter. A smart city uses technology to make public utilities and services like parking, emergency services, waste management, and street lighting more efficient and optimized for a better life. By leveraging the power of IoT and AI, smart cities gather data and create an intelligent network that continuously and proactively addresses user needs in real-time. One example of this is the thousands of smart lights in San Diego, which are remotely-controlled, save energy, and can oversee parking spots, check for illegal activity, and measure air humidity. Another is the state-of-the-art garbage management system in South Korea's Songdo, which transports trash via an underground pneumatic system. Beyond data-driven convenience, smart cities must also address sustainability, implementing practices that generate power from renewable sources to make themselves cleaner, healthier, and safer for residents.