How to Deal with Collaborative Overload

How to Deal with Collaborative Overload

Collaborative overload is a term that describes the burden of interaction that can disrupt the work of the most capable employees. Top performers tend to have the lowest levels of job engagement and career satisfaction due to the constant stream of requests they receive. Encouraging employees to set boundaries, using technology, and evaluating staffing and task assignment patterns are effective approaches to protect these individuals. Employers should find a balance between individual and team needs and let employees know that it’s okay to say no to unreasonable requests. Workplace collaboration solutions such as Clarizen’s business collaboration tools and Planview AdaptiveWork can streamline communication and help top performers prioritize their work. Co-workers and project managers can be guilty of placing excessive burdens on their top contributors, which creates additional problems. Distributing task assignments equally across the team will motivate all employees and keep top performers engaged and happy.