Innovations of the Incas - Part II

Innovations of the Incas - Part II

Innovation can be drawn from the Incas who developed techniques to observe the stars at Machu Picchu to aid in their analysis of the seasons. They also integrated their buildings with the mountain and used stone terracing techniques, for both construction and agriculture purposes. These terraces include steps that were designed for running rather than walking, saving stone and space, and were also better for observing the stars. To earthquake-proof their buildings, the Incas used different sized stones, built at an angle, and embedded innovative stone ball-bearings. They also produced salt from a high-content spring in Maras, using hundreds of terraces, channels, and small stones, without a detailed scientific understanding of the spring. The takeaway for innovators is to sometimes invert observation, use existing features and techniques, leverage past approaches, prioritize speed, and focus downstream for innovation.