Project to Product: Mining the Ground Truth of Enterprise Toolchains

Project to Product: Mining the Ground Truth of Enterprise Toolchains

Understanding DevOps practices is limited to survey data and anecdotal evidence. A way to expand this view is to examine publicly available repositories, but this only provides information on how open source projects work. System data of DevOps at work is needed, but it is inaccessible due to being hidden behind firewalls or locked in private repositories. Value stream integration diagrams created by enterprise IT tool administrators for working with Tasktop can be used to understand the composition of enterprise toolchains. The diagrams provide information on the tools, types of artifacts, and how they are related, but do not provide exhaustive lists of tool repositories or information on data in those tools. Data from this set shows that heterogeneous agile and DevOps toolchains are the norm, and that specialization of roles in software development is common.