The 7 Things Every Innovation Center Should Have - Innovation Training

The 7 Things Every Innovation Center Should Have - Innovation Training

Creating an innovation center, lab or makerspace on your company's campus can benefit organizations of any kind. An innovation center establishes a physical space for the digital and physical tools and fruits of innovation, meaning it can be used to conduct facilitated innovation centers, showcase products, and host brainstorming sessions, design sprints, or innovation workshops. This article outlines the basic tools and supplies needed for an innovation center, including electronic displays, whiteboards, moveable tables and chairs, open space, rapid prototype making materials, a small room or moveable walls, and people. While having new technologies in the innovation center is helpful, the most important aspect is bringing people together for innovation and design thinking. Don’t let the development of an innovation center stop you from taking action on innovation and design thinking - start with the basics and iterate from there.