The Inverted Funnel: How Blockchains Will Shake Up the Traditional Consumer Funnel

The Inverted Funnel: How Blockchains Will Shake Up the Traditional Consumer Funnel

Blockchain technology is set to revolutionize the marketing industry by providing more efficient, personalized marketing options. With the advent of NFTs, companies can produce digitally first and deliver innovation directly into fans' wallets, creating a more sustainable and democratic production system. Blockchains also allow for companies to accurately track all transactions between them and their fans, creating more opportunities for creative collaborations and increasing brand equity. Traditional retail experiences will shift to a digital turf, and blockchains will help brands and distribution networks cater to the needs and desires of fans while streamlining production and shipping processes. The 4 P-s of marketing will be replaced by the 4 M-s, including meta-products and me pricing, which will make marketing more rational and rent prone.