Co-creation with Customers: Liebherr Open Innovation Case Study

Co-creation with Customers: Liebherr Open Innovation Case Study

Liebherr has successfully used open innovation to implement a co-creation program with its customers. The company engaged an online market research community to identify its customers' pain points and learn where potential improvements could be made. After this data was collected, the Innovation Team used a mix of qualitative and quantitative research methods to identify and prioritize the most significant pain points. The team then promoted the best ideas using a technique known as community graduation. The results were impressive: nearly 10,000 page views, 2,300 user sessions, and a total of 139 product and digital service ideas. However, the process was not without its challenges, including finding the right participants, motivating external stakeholders, and perceiving technology as an enabler. Regardless, Liebherr's experience shows how co-creation with customers can result in innovative solutions.