Creating an Innovation Community at U.S. Bank

Creating an Innovation Community at U.S. Bank

The myth that innovation happens to isolated individuals is just that - a myth. Successful innovation requires a community of people who bring a range of perspectives and skills together. Ideas often arise from the intersection of different industries, markets or perspectives, so a thriving innovation community strengthens and reinforces innovation itself. Physical and virtual innovation communities are essential for sharing ideas, identifying trends and reinforcing innovation goals. Innovative organisations where teams work in small, isolated groups are missing an opportunity. Large organisations, for example, where innovators may be isolated from one another due to business lines or geography, may find innovation communities within the organisation particularly valuable. The Innovation Excellence blog details U.S. Bank's use of an IBM product called Connections, its Facebook-style application, US Book, to create an innovation community that connects 60,000 employees virtually. Within the community, people share ideas and needs, develop interest groups and find colleagues with specific skills or knowledge.