Is Your Social Media Intern Ready for Corporate Tweeting - 7 Questions to Find Out

Is Your Social Media Intern Ready for Corporate Tweeting - 7 Questions to Find Out

Recent social media blunders at Chrysler and Marc Jacobs highlight the importance of selecting the right person to handle corporate social media accounts. While youth and social media savvy are important factors, emotional intelligence and brand advocacy skills are also critical. The Brainzooming Group recommends evaluating candidates using an "Is Your Corporate Tweeter Ready?" test, which assesses the individual's ability to represent the brand offline as well as online. The test includes questions related to sales calls, brand standards, employee presentations, customer service, and media interviews. Based on a scale of 1 to 3, a candidate with a score of 18-21 is considered a strong candidate, while a score of 12 or under suggests the person is not qualified for the role.