Brexit as an innovation opportunity

Brexit as an innovation opportunity

Brexit has shaken up the status quo, making it an excellent opportunity for innovative solutions to governance. With the UK and EU in a state of uncertainty, it's important that we begin to think differently and embrace innovative ideas which can lead to creating something new. Early adopters are easy to win, but getting the early majority on board is far more challenging. An event like Brexit presents the perfect opportunity for governance innovation as it has moved the chasm and made the old rules and ways of governing untenable. As the UK tests different ideas and innovates its governance, the EU should also be looking to do the same by considering its value proposition and innovating its governance models. With arbitrary lines on maps becoming less significant and people wanting to belong to clans or religions instead of countries, countries need to rethink their governance structures and benefits. Now is the time for divergent thinking, testing different ideas and innovating governance itself.