Scrum: How to Prioritize Backlog Items

Scrum: How to Prioritize Backlog Items

During a sprint planning session, the team selects items from the product backlog to work on in the upcoming sprint. However, not all product backlog items are equal, so the prioritization process is crucial for the success of the sprint. The Scrum backlog grooming process ensures that the most relevant, important, and valuable items are chosen for sprints. The refinement process involves all levels of the Scrum team, with the Product Owner playing a significant role. The result of this process is that the most important PBIs are ordered to the top of the list, giving them greater definition and breaking them down into sprint-sized tasks. The product backlog should always be kept short, and only items likely to be addressed within 5-10 sprints should be included. A Definition of Ready is given to product backlog items that have met all the necessary conditions to be moved to a sprint. Focus on delivering business value and prioritize items accordingly using an evaluation or scoring system weighing factors such as company revenue or customer value. Consider resource availability when prioritizing items, taking into account trade-offs between what can be done and what needs to be done.