Time logging: Where employee task management turns into employee task misery

Time logging: Where employee task management turns into employee task misery

Time logging is not particularly glamorous, and it can be a significant source of frustration for employees and project managers. There is plenty to despise about the inefficient processes and outdated technologies involved. Time logging, however, is not the challenging component of employee task management. Planview AdaptiveWork is designed to help managers and employees log their time quickly, conveniently, and accurately. The cloud-based project management software features easy-to-use time tracking tools that support today's demanding enterprise project teams. Team members can use the software to submit accurate time information quickly, track time precisely down to the second using a built-in stopwatch, and take advantage of social collaboration capabilities to work harmoniously. Project managers can inform their teams of work items and projects, assign timesheets to different departments, and connect information directly to billing and invoicing systems to minimize errors.